想成为汉堡的母牛 (2010)
想成为汉堡的母牛 (2010) - 动画 电影 6 分钟. . 初生之犊不怕死,向往与前辈共赴肉厂,成为堂堂正正的大汉堡,牛妈眼见爱子误入歧途,即时伸出援蹄。A children's fable about the power of advertising, the meaning of life and ultimately the test of a mother's love. preserved film
想成为汉堡的母牛 (2010) - 动画 电影 6 分钟. . 初生之犊不怕死,向往与前辈共赴肉厂,成为堂堂正正的大汉堡,牛妈眼见爱子误入歧途,即时伸出援蹄。A children's fable about the power of advertising, the meaning of life and ultimately the test of a mother's love. preserved film